Those who just cannot imagine being totally abstinent might consider a partial restriction in the form of an alkaline fast.
The alkaline fast allows three meals a day and snacks between, in addition to two to three litres of water, plus tea if desired. The body’s systems are stimulated to dissolve deposited and accumulated toxins and to discharge them in the normal ways. So, even with the moderate partial fasting, we see beneficial effects, albeit in a less intense form.
Alkaline fasting is a very good introduction to a new nutritional awareness that diet has a huge impact on all body functions, and that with the right diet you can influence disease and health.
Even with alkaline fasting, you will feel positive effects on your body after a few days. What’s more, alkaline fasting can be easily integrated into everyday life within the family environment. The part-fasting duration can last from one to six weeks, can be used as relief days and can serve as a bridging period before beginning a stricter fasting method.
Join Me...
My Alkaline fasting week is designed to successfully guide you on your fasting journey. With online support via regular zooms, day to day meal advice and top tips based on my own journey, this is the perfect way to begin.
The next Alkaline fasting week begins 11th May 2024
with an info evening on the 9th of May @ 7 pm
Please contact me to book your place or for more information.
During the partial fasting week, we meet at the following dates online:
May 11th @ 12 pm, May 15th @ 7 pm for a yin yoga session and May 18th @ 12 pm.
Throughout the week there is an interactive facebook group going and I am available for any questions and support via whatsapp.
Fast-track your experience by purchasing your place here. The cost is £49.00.