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My friends experience after he joined me on his first hiking fasting journey...

When Diane told me about her idea of ​​combining fasting with a hike through the “Harz National Park” on the “Harzer Hexenstieg”, I was intrigued but also a bit skeptical.

Knowing now that this is no new concept, and in fact immensely popular in Germany, back then it was totally new to me, so I started asking her lots of questions.


Diane, with her experience and passion for it, convinced me. The combination of fasting and hiking struck me as remarkably interesting and I was happy to say yes to joining her. 


Still… especially getting closer to the date, doubts arose.


Such physical strain without energy-giving food? For 7 days without any delicacies and gastronomic delights? And what should an enema device be? And how does natriumsulfat taste? Question after question ... and should that be relaxing? 


A week before we started, I slowly prepared myself. Mainly avoiding meat, beginning to eat more raw vegetables, and I stopped consuming alcohol. The evening before the start of the fasting hike, I consumed the natriumsulfat and it had the promised effect of emptying my bowls. As Diane explained, necessary to avoid any feeling of hunger from here onwards.


The next day was the start of the hike: My initial discomfort disappeared with the first gentle movements and I was already looking forward to the shared experience.

At that moment I wasn't hungry or felt hunger, I was just full of adrenaline and anticipation. I looked at the bright side and noticed how much time one spends a day buying, preparing, and eating food. We filled this time with physical exercise, stimulating other senses in a different way, and harmony instead.

The first two days I felt physically and mentally good. My body was full of strength and I was pleasantly surprised by the sensory impressions that my beautiful surrounding offered me.


It only got better though, on the third day I clearly noticed how my metabolism switched and fat burning through ketosis started. Our previous pace slowed down in a welcoming way while hiking, after all we were not escaping from anything and in no hurry. 

I began to feel myself in a way that was unknown to me, liberated and as if the body acted in its most original function, it moved without adding food, it felt as if I am walking on clouds.

The mind was sharp and focused on the essentials. I moved in symbiosis with nature .. Thinking about food? - no, there was really no room for that! 

Every sip of spring water was a revelation to me. The happiness about the nourishing broth in the evening, this explosion of taste, as a reward for the physical strain, joyfully kept me going.


Those were the most beautiful days for me in 2020.


My most important realisation was that NOT doing something I love, not only has physical advantages, but also sharpens the view of things that are otherwise easily overlooked. 

I recommend this important experience to anyone and I am excited to learn where our next fasting hike takes us.



" Health and healing will follow fasting"

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